Custom Restricted Cargo

What Items are Listed as ‘Custom Restricted Cargo’?

Items that are not permitted to enter a country by international regulation are listed as prohibited or restricted items.

As the item sender, make sure to check the lists of restricted & prohibited items as several items are not suitable to be ship through our network on behalf of our customers.

The Following are the generally prohibited shipping items

  • Animal skin/ animal parts / livestock (non-domesticated)
  • Dangerous goods/Hazardous materials
  • Important documents such as passports/tenders/share option certificates etc.)
  • Infectious substances
  • Firearms/ Fire extinguishers
  • Furs
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Ivory and ivory products
  • Live animals
  • Money and negotiable items
  • Human remains
  • Perishable goods
  • Personal effects (except via MBE Centers to selected countries)
  • Drugs (including prescription drugs)
  • Plants/ Biological samples
  • Pornographic materials
  • Lighter fluid and matches
  • Seeds
  • Tobacco or tobacco products
  • Unaccompanied baggage (except via MBE Centers to selected countries)

Note: This is not a complete list of items that subject to import prohibitions and restrictions. Please refer to the customs regulations of the country you wish to import/export for a complete list of custom restricted cargo.

As some countries accept shipping certain items that are listed as prohibited such as Alcoholic beverages, Tobacco and tobacco products, Perishable items can be shipped on a contract basis for shippers that have a consistent volume and the ability to meet with all necessary regulations.

Note: Not all items can be exported to all countries. Contact local Falcon Cargo for more information.